Nikolaos Avanidis,
CEO / consultant
I have strong expertise in the development of BIM processes, the preparation of project-specific BIM plans, the BIM control of apartment blocks and offices, and the cooperation between design and the BIM process. I have 15 years of experience in the construction industry. In the past, i have worked at Fimpec as Senior BIM Manager, at Rudus as an element designer and YIT as a site engineer. I have a degree in Civil Engineering (Bachelor of Science) and i am a certified BIM Coordinator (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences).
I have been responsible for many projects in different roles; for BIM coordination of more than 50 residential apartment buildings, from individual apartment buildings to blocks and neighborhoods, 1,200m2 to 30,000m2, BIM management and BIM coordination in several different office and commercial building projects, BIM management and BIM coordination for schools and kindergartens. I have done BIM management and BIM coordination for several different parking facilities and dozens of smaller, underground parking structures of residential apartment buildings. I have been the client's representative in BIM and PIM matters in a large industrial project. I have been involved in the development of the BIM processes of two construction companies (NDA) and also in the development of the BIM goals and requirements of the City of Espoo. I have also been responsible for the internal development of BIM processes – working method reports and updating BIM content. More details below: